Treasure Bookmaking

Treasure Bookmaking

Crafting Handmade Sustainable Journals

Written by Natasha Marinkovic

Published by Mango Press

This book is one of a few similar titled books, however this was my first insight into the printing house and their publishing style. The book itself is a soft back and feels very much made by the author themselves. The font inside has a more script look, which was a nice change from the usual prescribed by larger publishing houses.

The book itself is all about using even what can be described as Junk to make our own handmade books. It gave me the reminder of how much I have personally stashed away as card making material, a mix of old envelopes and nice pieces of wrapping paper, mementoes from holidays…you know the kind of thing. They could all be used here to instead create a one off book.

The author gives suggestions as to the types and uses of the books we could make - i.e. one for travelling with etc.

Literally everything is covered, from where to glean the materials from, a FAQ section at the back, loads of images to showcase the projects….it just goes on and on.

This would have been a great COVID lockdown companion, as it uses project materials we already have in - cereal packets being one example - materials which we could have had without venturing far from home - oh well never mind - we do not need any more lockdowns! Let us just take time to use this book anyway….

I should mention that the author is a youtube sensation too - so you might have noted her there first too.

Purchase your copy here.