Simply Stitched with Wool

Simply Stitched with Wool

Yumiko Higuchi

Zakka Workshop

If you step into the woods today…what will you find? From foraging finds to berries and birds of paradise, this instructive guide leads us through a selected 24 projects on embroider and use to develop into wearable or home bound items.

Cushions, shawls, or my personal favourite ‘The pressed flower bag’….what will you begin with?

No, this book isn’t groundbreaking, however it will bring you a sense of comfort, both materialistically speaking and dually via the items you create.

This author has written a few books, so if you like this one do visit her website to locate more information on her.

Maybe you have only played with embroidery using the usual traditional cotton; if so the added idea of wool may be something for you to consider, as it adds a warmth, a different feel. Wool is often thought of as a knitting ball over the fact it can be so much more. I know myself I discovered the variety that this medium can offer, yet it often gets overlooked. We see a lack of it in the shops, with so many commercial competitors, such as Acrylic and other man made fibres being so much cheaper. That is what I like about this book as it endeavours to use a traditional material in a setting which is useable today. It does not have to cost a fortune, why not simply trial buy a few strands to see if its for you? Personally I find it oh so much nicer to embroider with a real material over one which has a plastic beginning.

Experiment and play via this book today

Oh and do check out the publishers website as they are rather niche; they are a Japan based brand who endeavour to make their books into readable editions for the English market.