Finger Knitting For Kids

Finger Knitting For Kids

Super Cute & Easy Things To Make

By Eriko Teranishi

Tuttle Press

As a child, I was introduced to a tool which many refer to as a ‘Knitting Nancy’. It was achievable and engaging, perfect for a young child who did not have the attention span or the dexterity as yet to explore the endless world of “grown up” knitting. Dare I admit, as an inexperienced knitter, I dabbled with this tool again in later life, creating some samples for my degree in Textiles itself.

Maybe my parents were unaware, or maybe they did not exist back then, but I certainly do not remember child friendly books like this offering.

Maybe as a parent, you are not experienced yourself in this art form, so maybe this book will actually teach you too. Either way, the projects, such as caps and scarves are ideal for doing together or indeed apart.

Fifteen projects, clear and simple instructions - all you need is willing fingers and a bit of yarn, so hardly any prep required either. This book doesn’t allow us to excuse ourselves and put off beginning - it silently merits at least being respectful and giving one project a go.

This title is fluffy, tactile via the illustrations and so colourful.

Yes it will be great for adults and children alike, however the publisher directs the age range to those aged between five and twelve.

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