Poetic Woods

Poetic Woods

Experimental Watercolours and Collage

Ann Blockley

A niche subject matter - yet universal. As an artist who is heavily mixed media and textiles based, I was surprised to open this title and find skills which I could easily add to my tool box of creative activities. It has simple instructions and text. We cannot deny natures pull. Yes some of us may be city dwellers, but don’t try to convince me that you do not run to your local park for some air. As humans we need creation, beauty and signs of life. All three are found in every wood, every demonstrative place showcasing the items (trees) which help us breathe.

The author has bravely not just taken the subject of nature but taken it down to a tree level. The methods are all separated out clearly. I connected with many as they can be applied to may art forms and prove inspirational. The collage section with its handle on Storytelling (page 46) is sublime. Note the ten pound note collage on page 47.

This book makes me breathless, yet it is all possible. If anything I find the wealth of ideas too much. However that can be soothed by simply only taking on one chapter at a time. The value for money in this book is just scary.

I am a person who loves to see the narrative used to portray the visual. In this title poetry in print is just as as valuable as the imagery - we may not be english literature inclined, but we will all have a story to tell - can be echo it onto an image as a way to vocalise what we are seeing inside our souls?

The descriptive honesty of Ann’s writing is a joy to read. On page 100 we read about piercing light through a forests door and how this made her greedy - her version of greed is not the usual monetary / food meaning - rather this was to capture the moment she beheld, in her trademark creative way.

Oh and if you need more reason to purchase a copy….what tree has a ‘Bad Hair Day’? Discover the answer on page 107!

Blockley’s work is risky, edgy, exciting.

Purchase your copy here.