Creative Mending

Creative Mending

Beautiful Darning, Patching and Stitching techniques

Hikaru Noguchi

Tuttle Press

Mending matters - these two words definitely apply to this offering. This subject matter is timely, we have hot a period of dare I say mending as cool. I remember as a child, getting something second hand was always seen as lower, lesser, unvalued….only if no other choice financially. Hand me downs were looked down upon, ‘you must be poor’ - that was the opinion of society. Move on a few years and suddenly its all over the place. We actually pay for “new” clothing in stores which has been made to look “repaired”. Maybe it has something to do with our thought as a human race these days. We tend to be more open about things, we will vocalise when we ourselves are not “ok” and need mending from the inside; so why not proclaim this in a clothing genre? We visibly show repair humanistically, so now we are going to apply that same premise to rescue the judged as lost, broken, no longer useable. We will do this so proudly, once we learn the required skills.

Creative Mending is just the reading needed to begin actioning this.

We learn how to pick the correct tools, (we are not talking brain surgery here - imagine using a salad bowl as a tool?! Learn more on page 8!)

You will learn what Goma - shio Darning is, how to finish all your jobs off and a multitude of project examples. All have amazing images to illustrate each step.

I know that when I picture mending examples, I often visualise the usual suspects, namely the hole ridden jumper. Turn this on its head and on reading this book you will find unusual examples, such as repairing plastic outdoor items.

Purchase your copy right here today.