The Fairy Cottage Companion

The Fairy Cottage Companion

Paola Merril

Vibrance Press

I will risk the wrath of any Merril avid follower - to say that honesty even the title of this book made me judge it - too worthy, too much of a do-gooder; I mean who in this life can realistically devote their lives to prancing around a garden believing in the fantastical?

I am in retrospect, only writing the above, because I will tell you openly how wrong I was, goodness it is this reviewer, namely me who is in the shade, whilst Merril probably dances with the sheer joy of living.

Personal thoughts surround her honest first person narrative throughout. She is not perfect, she has not had a perfect life, yet she has found her imperfect yet golden ‘place’ as it were. She does not give us a filtered view, or at least she endeavours not to, I of course and all you future readers do not know the real life this book character worthy pixie leads; she admits to anxiety, to needing to change and create the life she is now living.

Often reviews and comments on this book surround its romanticism. Yet I do not feel that it is romantic in its tone, I see it as a life well led, a one we should all endeavour to live by meaning if nothing else.

The skeleton of this book….

It is a mix of real life narrative, craft, recipes and well being - a reminder to care for ourselves.

Four seasons are covered - yet the areas mentioned within each season could be generally carried out no matter the time and date.

A slow living life is showcased, one which may not always be even the happiest for the liver, yet it is the best on a health value level.

I loved the chapter covering ‘aloneness’ (page 81) where Merrill admits to this word being hard to cope with at times, yet she has learned the difference between being ‘alone and lonely’.

Like many, you may be seeking a peaceful, quieter existence. This book is really one to aspire to. We may not all be able to move locations, yet we all can become joy seekers.

Purchase your own copy today.