Every Garden Is A Story

Every Garden Is A Story

Susannah Seton

Conari Press

To preserve a garden, is an act of care. It is also a vie for a future, a desire to live and see growth. Or at least that is how I have come to conclude about my own outside space. Rather than being a scientific, cold blooded activity, gardening and the act of simply being in one has proven to be therapeutic for the gardener themselves. The question is - have you discovered this yet? During the past few years, many have become more open about mental health matters and the desire to find alternative, less chemical medication pursuits to soothe their weary, burned minds and fragile souls - is this you?

Within this title, Seton sets out a personal, truistic and relatable narrative, evoking completive rumination on what our own garden room can mean to us - what stories have we already created or can create in the future? What warm memories do we own of family past and present, nature finds and nature owned, who have all resided within this creative masterpiece?

Via this title, we will not only learn how to green our fingers, rather this little book will inspire you to cook and craft. So the garden does not have to stay as a separate part of your home, somewhere you have to open a door to get to - the reminders of it can be everywhere - your meals, your somewhere…..sow your story and purchase your copy today.

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